
when i was little i didn't have much say so
and now that i am an adult i have the
free will to make my own choices

i choose to wake up daily at 4am
and then hit the snooze button again
and again and

i have a choice to play dress up
or just grab the first item of clothing
i see and hope that it looks presentable

i choose to drive the same route to
and from work day after day and
am pretty sure that i could do it blindfolded

i have chosen to retire in december
of 2015 and that gives my heart such
delight knowing that this will all soon be a
distant memory...hallelujah

i love having the choice to eat healthier
now that my mind has finally chosen to
do what's right for my holy temple

i choose to spend quality moments in the
company of those who are like minded
and who have a heart to serve and give
from a place of unending compassion

i have chosen to be single and have therefore
placed my born again virginity status
in the hands of the one who truly cares for me

i choose to believe that i will marry again
someday and when that time comes my
beloved will indeed receive a very sacred gift

i like the choice of spending my time in
prayer and worship and looking to the
only one who sustains all that i am

i have chosen joy as my bestfriend and
i enjoy her company immensely
not to mention my other friend named patience

and of all the choices that i have and could
not possibly list here due to time and space
i have chosen to follow him all the days of my life

National Poetry Month #8