Prose : Love

A commercial has been repeating itself lately, expressing how great it is to (be) in love.  I agree completely as I remember love.  It was wonderful to be in love.  It was magical, exciting and oftentimes spontaneous.  We planned things, we created memories and we cared for one another in ways that only "lovers" tend to do.  We made mistakes, forgave (most times) and we grew to know the strengths and weaknesses of the other.  There were some tears, lots of laughter and rarely any anger.  If there was jealousy or envy it went least from what I recollect.  There were burst of spring, summer road trips and winter's snowy bliss. Saying all this briefly reminds me of love and how I had the beautiful privilege to experience it.  And for that, I thank My Savior.  I thank Him because compared to HIS UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, I don't miss love.  I have LOVE and it trumps being in love.  Humans cannot possess love, they are only cable of being...BUT in Christ, we have LOVE and it remains eternally.