Your Word

As I sit here in awe of you
your word is hidden in my heart

It follows me wherever I go
Nothing has the power like your word

On my nightstand next to my collectibles
your word is the center of attraction

Your word has a resting place in my bathroom
and in my sacred space next to the windowsill

Even in my car as a drive to and from
your word is nestled next to me on the passenger seat

In my office in the midst of chaos
I can reach for your word just inside my desk

On my iPhone and iPad I have the
privilege of carrying your word in the palm of my hand

Your mighty and powerful word is
known and spoken by my children

The awesomeness of your word is buried
in the depths of my friendships and mentors

Your word gives life and has defeated
the evil one and all of his lies

Your word tells me that I am yours and
that if I remain in you I am safe there

Your word casts out all of my fears
and darkness has no home in me

Your word promises me a place in eternity
and that is what sustains me as I live on this earth

National Poetry Month #5