Am I Strange…

I often talk to myself. Who doesn’t, truthfully speaking? I’ve always lived a simple life. Yes there were things that I desired, some people I envied and somethings I still long for quietly. But those things are not a necessity and they are not at all of great importance.

I can’t describe how it feels to know this is how God created me. It gives my soul great rest; similar to the contentment that Paul talks about in Chapter 1 of Timothy. To enjoy a simple life. While things are moving at rapid speed around me, while people are always making plans and extending an invitation to me, I am truly an introvert. 

Yes I will leave my house. Yes I will visit family and friends. Yes I will share this beautiful life-saving gospel message. Yes I will run errands for my loved ones and those who are unable to do it for themselves. Yes I will spontaneously bless someone and use the resources that God has given me to spread the love of Jesus freely. 

But mostly, I am content alone with my Savior. Blissfully content at home in one of my favorite chairs. Content in my posture of prayer. Content with outside nosies off, birds singing, and maybe a YouTube video in the background of waves or nature. Having the volume on medium to low.

I also love to grab my Bible tools. A bag that contains of course my Bible, maybe our daily bread, some colored pens, a journal, and some PRAYER POINTS. Then make it an adventure and drive in the direction of the Holy Spirit. 

Like right now. It is the Fourth of July and so many have plans. Many are celebrating and picnicking and beaching and simply rejoicing to have a day off. Many are celebrating this nation. But not me. I just had a simple Egg McMuffin and a cup of coffee, and so content sitting in the parking lot under a tree.

I have no plans and I am absolutely thrilled about it. I plan to read Habakkuk and Esther and see what the Lord is saying to me. I plan to pray. I plan to rest. I plan to reflect with a spirit of gratitude. I plan to reflect on the true meaning of freedom. And I pray no one is injured from the fireworks today.

I pray the gun violence will stop, which we know that it will not. I pray the abortions will cease, which we know that they will not. I pray for souls to be saved, which we know that some will reject the gospel message, says Revelation chapter 9. But I won’t stop praying.

I started this prose to say, Am I strange? So many are caught up in the world, so many love this world, so many have plans and goals and dreams and agendas… But me. I just want to wake up each day seeking to please Him and deeply wanting what He wants. I want a heart that grieves for the things that grieves His heart.

I am not at all strange but set apart. And I’ve never felt so content as I approach fifty eight. Finally resting in who I am and being His Beloved. A uniquely fearful and wonderful masterpiece, in my simple and beautiful life. 

Whom the Son sets free is absolutely free! Free from sin and death. Free from the pressures of this culture and free to say, “thank you, but no.”

S e l a h 

* Sadly, earlier today there was a mass shooting in Chicago.… Lord have mercy. Comfort those who are grieving.