A Meeting With The King

He is waiting for you.

He doesn’t care what time it is.

He doesn’t care if you are put together.

He doesn’t care how perfect your prayers sound.

He just wants you to come and meet with Him.



He wants you to sit in His presence.

He wants you to read His Word and listen for His voice.

He wants you to sit in stillness and let Him renew your strength.

He wants you to sit at His feet and worship.

He wants your whole heart, every single day.

Oh, how many times we pass Him by.

We rush from here to there.

We lose time scrolling our phones.

We busy ourselves with things that don’t truly matter.

We rush past the King of Kings all while

He is calling us to slow down and enjoy His companionship.

As the world is calling to you today, I pray you will

slow down and choose the better thing.

Take time to be filled with His Living Water.

Take time to be fed with His Word.

Take time to unload your burdens.

Take time to tell Him what is on your heart.

Take time to tell Him how much you love Him.

Take time to worship Him,

because He is worthy.

Everything else can wait,

your King is calling.


A Heart Full of Hope ♥️✝️