The Light Is On

Things may appear dark but they are not. This world hurts, this world is loud, this world is busy, this world is deceived. Things may seem out of order, but not according to His plans. Things can feel overwhelming, confusing and anxious, but God still has a plan. God is still with us. He is always working behind the unseen. This world is unfolding just as He predicted. All the hatred, ugliness and ungodly passions, it’s all foretold. And, SELAH…this loving God is long suffering. Thank Him that the Light is still on. Our Heavenly Father turned the Light on and has made a way of escape. God gave us His Son. God may appear silent but He is not. Nothing is going on that He is unaware of. He sees all the sorrow and all the suffering and all the sickness. He is grieved. All the poverty and all the pride and all the greed. And yes, He is working. This we can trust. Father I thank you for all the praises around the nations, far and up close in this nation. If we would just open our eyes, we would see Jesus! But in the gospel of John, he says they didn’t want to because their deeds were dark. Thank You for removing the scales from my eyes. I once was blind but now I see. Thank You for the Light of the world. Yes, Abba, I say a heartfelt, Thank You! 

1 Corinthians 2:9, John chapter 3, John chapter 8