The Miraculous Mundane

Recently God has been teaching us to focus on the most important things. We've realized this means being obedient to whatever God is asking moment by moment 

"Nursing, changing diapers, having to step away from loud areas, missing evening activities - there is so much time in parenthood where you're on the fringes of whatever is going on. During those moments in the Dominican Republic, I wish I would have known this: nursing, changing, rocking to sleep - these things are sacred. They are holy. They are Gospel. They have an eternal impact. Z isn't just your baby. You are stewarding an eternal soul. It is so hard to miss out on ministry. I missed 3 salvations in the DR while I was with Jason. You're going to miss important things too. But I boldly suggest Z is the most important thing right now. That clean diaper on his bottom matters as much as any other type of service. He is learning to love, trust, and receive care. Someday those things will apply to his relationship with God. And Lord willing someday we will get to rejoice over Z and Jason's salvations! Oh what a day that will be!"

God's economy is a miraculous thing. Something as small as one boy's lunch can feed 5,000 men (plus ~15,000 women and children). A simple stick can part seas. A midwife protecting babies can set an entire nation free. 

With our God there is nothing too big to be impossible, and nothing too small to lack eternal significance. When we are walking in obedience to Him, even the most mundane things become miraculous.

Whether it looks like mentoring a younger employee at work, baking for a neighbor, slowing down enough to see and support a loved one, or sharing the Gospel in an everyday moment, may 2023 find us all being faithful to the most important things.

– Sister Christina