My Prose on Life…”

In this season; this moment…. I just sat on the sofa, and then theses words just came out of my mouth unknowingly to me… “It’s so strange…”

And then I said out loud “what?” And my spirit said “life… life is so strange.”

Then I thought. Here I am television off, preparing dinner and while I wait for it, I’m seated back on the sofa. Waves in front of me, as far as the eyes can see. Yes, it’s as if I live on a cruise ship. People down below enjoying the last days of summer. The boardwalk, the beach, the sand, children playing, voices, laughter, birds … And I get to sit on the sofa, listening and watching. 

Also picking up where I left off in my new book, on page 91. And then another strange thought, “what are the rich people doing right now?” Enjoying their lives, being spoiled? Celebrating, maybe having a party, maybe traveling, maybe spending their wealth, some may depressed, and even sick. Many are deceived. Many worked really hard and are enjoying the fruit of their labor. 

And then a totally different vision… “What are the poor doing?” The homeless, the impoverished, the uneducated, unemployed, those who feel lost and hopeless? Not everyone has a home, not everyone has a meal, and sadly not everyone has someone to say “I love you.” 

And then, another scenario. Countless people are at war! The news only talks about the war between Ukraine and Russia, and the war between Israel and Palestine. There are so many wars across our globe. So many are wrongly imprisoned, so many are being brutally raped, so many are being trafficked, so many are being drugged and kidnapped, starved and brutalized. So many sadly have an ongoing war inside their head. And this is the short list. Over 7 billion people on this planet. Yes, life is beyond strange. 

We can be so wrapped up in our own little circle, our own little sphere of family and friendships, and be oblivious to the exterior ongoings of life; especially grief! I don’t want to be one of those people. By way of the Holy Spirit, I want to be reminded of how blessed I am, and how to share the little that I have, and how to pray for others, and how to help when the Spirit prompts me to help. With my little efforts, God can do big things. Life is strange, but I can help make a difference in the life of one other person, and make it less strange and a lot more beautiful. 

I can be less self-focused, and I can be more outward focused. The Bible is so very true; it is more blessed to give than it is to receive. To much is given, much is required. Those who refresh others, they themselves will be refreshed. That has been true in my life. I don’t deserve to sit here on the sofa and be so beautifully blessed by God, having all my “needs” met and so overwhelmingly loved by Him. But He sees it differently. Jesus came to give us life. And I am grateful. 

(These are just my random thoughts not to offend anyone, but that’s what came to mind when I sat down and said the word “strange…”)