Leaving Behind

When I depart this earth, left behind there will be a collection of poetry books, prose and haiku. Also by God’s grace, two of my self published along with some of my printed blogs.

When I depart this earth, left behind there will be a ginormous collection of butterflies, a reminder of being made new in His eyes and how others viewed me after my blood bought transformation.

When I depart this earth, left behind there will be at least ten Bibles that I would love to gift to new believers. My hope is that they too would deeply love and treasure His Holy Word as much as I did.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be my YouTube channels, where I was free to give Him glory for all that He did for me. His mercy and grace continually washed over me. I vulnerably shared via the internet in hopes to change at least one life.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be a collection of copper pennies, some silver coins and dollar bills also. The journey began in 2012 with a small whisper, “Beloved, trust Me.” After that, it became a beautiful joy-filled, tear-filled, unexpected, childlike adventure.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be an extensive collection of journals. Some thoughts, mostly gratitude, and an overwhelmingly amount of intercession. May someone in my circle of love be richly blessed as they get a inside glance of my intimacy with my Sweet Savior.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be a big clear box of my tears. The journey began in 2010. I wept and prayed, I wept and trusted, I wept and worshipped, and the tears poured out like Niagara Falls. It was undoubtedly the Holy Spirit’s evidence of my willingness to surrender completely.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be a legacy of faith. I had a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in 2008, then we took a journey backwards. He showed me that I was completely forgiven. He lovingly unveiled my eyes, put His joy in my heart, and a bold praise on my tongue.

When I depart this earth, left behind will be some unanswered prayers. But I am fully trusting God to answer each and every one. And even though I have never met some, but interceded for, so confident you will join me in the mansion after we gather at the throne room. May not one soul be left behind is my prayer!