Not even a poem or prose, just truth!
Do we even know that the greatest treasure that we have is to be still with the God of heaven and earth? The Holy One of Israel and the Gentiles? The One who created you and I? The One who “so loves us” that HE gave His One and “ONLY” Son, that whosever (believes) in Him (and not the lies) will NOT perish but will have eternal life with HIM when you and I die?!
Can we even wrap our finite brains around that? Of course not, that’s why HE promised the Holy Spirit at the moment of conversation; at the moment of repentance and forgiveness of sins. With a born-again life your are transformed, and your heart is regenerated, and you (begin) to understand. You begin to (see your sin) and you hate it. You begin to (see the world) and all its deception’s and all the evil. You begin to unpack your past and how you were ignorant and doing what was right in (your own eyes)! You begin to see where others hurt and failed you, where you had misplaced expectations, anger and bitterness, and even the roles that you played!
You begin to weep and thank Him uncontrollably! You begin to dive deeper into His Holy Word and you begin to draw closer and closer to HIS heart! You begin to grieve what HE grieves and love what He loves. And you begin “with no power of your own” to boldly and confidently proclaim Him. He will become part of your comings and goings, because as His son or daughter you are now hidden in Christ with the God of all creation! ðŸ˜
Beloved don’t do life on your own. As that is right where (satan) wants you!!! Don’t look for (him or her) to satisfy you. Don’t pursue lesser things when this Sweet Jesus is the #greatest thing! With this precious and oftentimes dangerous free will that God gives us, please choose to #pursue the One who took the death you deserved! The One who gives life (so that) you can live! The One who will one day return to #judge the world, and soon I pray! But yet also the One who will #not condemn those who belong to God!
You willingly and subconsciously place your faith in so many other things… Why wait to decide if you believe, if you want this “Christian life” or if you want to “give up” your pleasures for His (already paid for) sacrifice?!?!
Personally I’d love to know what the enemy has convinced you of that’s better?
I’ve tasted this world “people, places and things” and have not one single regret in (giving it all up) for this Christ! And actually … HE gave me no alternative…. HIS love absolutely compelled me to surrender. If you haven’t surrendered “fully” it’s only because you don’t yet know this love…you’ve yet to encounter HIS love!
Note: “subconscious…existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness : affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness. subconscious motives.” Why allow the adversary of your soul to deceive you a moment longer?!?!